willow tree

Lock down -spring will come

Lockdown -spring will come

Lockdown is like
living in a perpetual winter
waiting for a spring
that never comes
Yet a flash of robin red
breast reminds me
that life continues flourishing
calling us home
The still water reflects
my deep longing
holds my longing
fills my heart
till so heavy it breaks
apart the waste land
Then up springs the
mighty seed the
strong stem of new green
Holding up its insistent mighty
arm to the light
driving through the
tumbled multitude of earth.
The glory ,the hope
of new growth
The drive of ever lasting
showing us that eternity
exits in the motions of now
Now is where we pluck
the yellow Gorse taking the light in
banishing away the deep well of despair
and the cold hands of
this seemingly ever lasting winter
This seemingly never ending lockdown .
I won’t be locked down
I will rise up like the
righteous nature of spring
Sing out now from Your own mighty soul,
burst forth into the light
Hold hands with the majesty of red robin ,
Still waters and the
new elegant leaves of green
Plant your feet in the tumbled earth
and know that spring will come