A Boy With Roses


We are still young and have everything to live for. If we hadn\'t seen the blue glow of the sea meeting the sky, or the white shine of the sun reflecting on our oceans, we wouldn\'t know what more the world holds, what more the world has to offer, but we\'d be silent prisoners in these amorphous spheres, oblivious to the world\'s beauty, the newly found love, dying to be free. In our hearts we keep our fondest memories, safely placed in smiles where no one can go, where the entrance is blocked by cloudless midnights and unforgettable days. When we look around in smoky places, we see sugar in people\'s faces, friendly strangers, for every relapse. Pushing past easily-fixed misunderstandings. Pushing out, pushing in. Releasing a flood of built-up tension. Never wanting the song to end. We see Jesus in electromagnetic wavelengths and the catharsis feels almost surreal, unimaginable for a second. At the crossroads, my eyes point to lost hopes in the orange sky. In recurring dreams I see lucid visions of you exploding into blinding celestial lights, and I let my sudden tears fall onto the moons of the horizon.