Naseer Ahmed Nasir

The Side pose of Love

Sitting on the steps of life
We observe 
How time flies by
and don\'t know
Whether falling in love takes a moment
Or ages pass...

But know one thing 
When fall in love 
We begin ,
growing flowers in pots,
drawing pictures,
Doing poetry
listening the music of unknown lands,
begin to recognize the voice of pain...
And God, in the hearts of lovers
Makes ways and opens the closed

Holding hands
Raised in love
Is the most beautiful metaphor of expression...
And who don\'t know
Never get to know what the love is...

It\'s true
That nothing is straight
In this distorted universe...
It is also true
That there\'s no lie in love... 

Just think so that
Love doesn\'t knock...
It comes like wind
And rains like clouds...
Washing away everything...
drenches even souls...

Sadness is the side pose of love
Therefore lovers love it
And it pervades everywhere...

(Translated from the original Urdu into English by shereen)