dusk arising

the richest soil



It\'s their world not mine.
Yes, now I have the time
to sit by the river
and watch time doing it\'s thing.
And feel time doing it\'s thing
with my joints and bones.
A slower, more peaceful time
perhaps to think about
their world whilst I\'m
here to share it.

Do you recall old chairman mao.
He inflicted his regime
upon his country but
in a very crafty way.
He got the children to
do all the policing work.
Harsh little critters they were
but they got the job done
and no messing.

That old saying - its an ill wind
that doesn\'t blow somebody good fortune.
Well it\'s given me an idea.
For tomorrow our children will
inherit our mistakes and
the damaged planet
we are leaving them.

My idea is to actually empower
children with the policing
of environmental law.
Not all of them of course
but the savvy ones
backed with adult enforcers.
Too radical? Maybe. But...
just waffling on about green issues
has got us where???

The future is our childrens..
... think about it.

Children are our flowers
deserving of the richest soil
in which to grow and blossom

what will YOU do?