Nafis Light

To Myself I AM TRUE - 3

To go back and find myself again
and this time...I go with ‘COMFORT’
such as COLOUR that is ‘Green’,
My Heart Could Be Seen.


A Prayer...I could go with anything
but I am agreeing with Ho’oponopono
because I feel deep down that
it defines me...and it does show.


Although I Love The Circus
because it is A Happy Place for me
but in terms of True Comfort,
Nature like The Forest is the place for me to be.


Does that mean I am not a Joker nor a Clown?
I Still Am...because there is a general definition of everything
but we are all unique
and I am like...a combination of both Circus and Nature
back and forth
so pure
like nature
heartful vision
lovely dream and life
full of smiles and laughter
such a meaningful treasure
one of gold...defining myself
like no one and living


- Joker Green