Samer Amin

New Earth






Tough times!




Do you know whom are you going to resist? 




Do you know how much stubborn a lover can be?




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, all cheerful colors appeared in his paintings.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the green leaves started to sprout from his dry boughs.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the wounding thorns under his feet could not hurt them,




and his feet turned these thorns into soft grass and fluffy leaves.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the darkness of his years melted away,




and the light of love dawned over the horizon,




declaring the advent of his rosy years.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the fear retreated, 




and in the eyes of his beloved one, he found a haven and a refuge.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the whole world became quieter,




 and started to listen attentively to the merry music of his heart beats.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the planet Earth stopped its rotation,




 and let a permanent sunshine over his homeland.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the all-encompassing mountain range of despair collapsed,




 and he dwelt with his beloved one into their boundless New Earth.




When a lover had hugged the existence affectionately, the gates of the Hell were closed,




 and could not dare to claim his loving soul again.




Tough times!




Do you know whom are you going to resist?




Do you know how much stubborn a lover can be?