Kurt Philip Behm

Dignity\'s Wealth (+1)

An eighty-buck hairdo,

an eighty-year face


The two now in conflict,

all balance erased


With age as a symbol

to search and destroy


All vanity coddled,

to plunder and toy


Bejeweled and bedangled,

she limps from the chair


Her stylist left smirking,

paid well—more than fair


These ‘blue hairs’ a staple,

her ticket to fame


The stench of the hair dye,

the price of the game


The credit card processed,

cash tip in her hand


She escorts Miss Edna

to her handicapped van


In the mirror she wonders,

as she looks at herself


“Am I just a pariah

—stealing dignity’s wealth”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2021)



Dew On The Lilacs


Surrogate reality,

divorced from what’s real


The news on your cable,

and movies conceal


The brands that you purchase,

the labels you wear


Convince you of something,

the ‘Emperor’ shares


While consciously vacant,

unconsciously lost


The dew on the lilacs,

impermanent frost


Like quicksand it’s calling,

disguised as a beach


Your essence is falling,

and far out of reach


As peacocks left strutting,

unable to fly


Your time ever wasted

—and waving goodbye


(Bryn Mawr College: February, 2021)