
Welcome to 2020


There\'s a rise in suicides

Everybody wants to die

The only way they feel alive is a temporary high

Everybody\'s on drugs

Stuck medicating when they could

Little kids doing things they shouldn\'t but telling people it\'s good

This is the society we are living in

Where people struggle fitting in

Where the only thing that matters is their body image being thin

An instagrammable lover

Talking to another

When their partners at home buying them a hummer

When depression is a slumber

And another awful virus which is called Corona

from a death of a stoner

And black lives seem to matter only when there\'s another number

Of a black man\'s death

Struggling for his breath

While an officers foot is on his neck

A world that once was happy

But has now turned so crappy

A society that knows nothing about being happy

It only knows the sadness that covers up their mind

And everyones bio is a reminder to be kind

Where sexism is still a still a thing and there\'s no remorse

Where we have to get our points across by using force

Even when a suffragette got killed by a horse

But this is the world we live in right now it\'s here and set

But it\'s not gonna change because no ones ready for that conversation yet