Anthony N. Pittsabe

Anthony N. Pittsabe - THE HAPPY RACIST ©

Parade our heads on pointy sticks

Drain our fat and make new wicks

Frolic, this makes you smile

Pass to generations, your blood, your child


Put booted knee upon our necks

In early retirement you cash your cheques

Feel the rise of your manhood

The strong purple pump of this blue blood


Pull the rope and make it snug

Slow bring death, a scythe, a hug

Watch enjoy in breakfast dew

You are better than us is what you always knew


Break the baton on our back

Laugh out jolly when skulls do crack

Join the throng and kick real high

Raise proud arm up to the sky


Cheer on the kicks in our nuts

The sticks, the canes in our butts

For you its yet another thrill

When our proud worn hearts at last are still


Beware, watch out hates yet not done

Arms within they’ll take your son

When your kin they turn on you

You’ll wish you had the life you knew