
A Technicolor Day

There is nothing usual about this day!
Let me tell you why.
So many people are prone to say
\"Each day\'s the same.  Why try?\"
But this day offers a different way,
just look at that glorious sky!
Do you see how the colors dance and play?
A painting no one can buy,
an artist\'s palette on display.
I think I hear a cosmic sigh.
It is a Technicolor Day!

Good days come and good days go,
nothing special, I would say,
but then, for reasons we don\'t know,
along comes the perfect day
when earth creates a spectacular show,
a wonder-filled display.
Colors are vibrant, tall pines seem to glow.
It\'s nature\'s grand array,
and what is there left to say?
Can it be any other way?
This is a Technicolor Day!

I shall write a poem or sing a song,
maybe climb a mountain peak,
find a friend to take along,
we\'ll do something quite unique.
This is a day when nothing is wrong.
The thrills are for those who seek
with determined will and courage strong,
not the frightened or the meek.
So, take my word and hear what I say:
come join us as we dance and play
in this unconventional
highly eccentric
Technicolor Day!