Samer Amin

Forsaken Mother





Just keep remembering him when the winter is back and its dark sky gives you a yearning vibe. 





Just keep remembering him when the winter knocks on your door and its tears start to purify your old streets and narrow lanes.





Just keep remembering him when the winter revives your childhood\'s memories and dreams around the fireplace. 





Just keep remembering him when the thick clouds sweep the sky and give the earth a prediction of revival. 





Just keep remembering him when the rains tap on the soft leaves and entice them to propagate their aroma across the forest. 





Just keep remembering him when the wintry winds provoke the branches of somber trees into a swift dance. 





Just keep remembering him when the dimly lit sunbeams weave their colorful tapestry through the moist air.





Just keep remembering him when birds migrate away from their homeland, 





and endure patiently their long journey away from their decent memories and their beloved ones.





Just keep remembering him when a forsaken mother hums sweetly her yearning song to her baby,





and find a solace, in hugging him, away from her sadness.





Just keep remembering him when the words in the messages of her beloved one are erased by the tears of the sad winter.





Just keep remembering him when your beloved one\'s love starts to fade away.





Just keep remembering him when your love story flies away like the migrating birds towards the faraway lands of forgetfulness and oblivion.





Just keep remembering him when your love story becomes nothing more than a mere decent memories you can recall whenever you listen to your sad songs.





Just keep remembering him because your Real Lover is still waiting for your heart to listen attentively to his yearning songs through the sad wintry winds.