Md Hossain Jaker

Mountain of sin


Mountain of sin
- Md. Hossain Jaker

The pen is one, the thought is different,
Signs that carry history.
You think only you will play the flute!
Life-friendly, how is that?

History is not yours either ...
Clever Clive and Mir Zafar,
Sin is dragging after the earth.

Disbelief at home,
Is it still possible to walk hand in hand?
Dust on the skin better than wire,
Maybe in a few days it will be hard,
I said everything openly!

The stars are on guard in the night sky,
Fear of stealing love manuscripts.
The history of evil is ridiculed today,
Scratch the golden pen!

Lying in the dust of the path
One day the helpless ant,
Claims to guarantee his rights,
The sinner will always be near,
He himself is a sinner.

Maybe one day with a pen scratch,
Will stand in the same row of sinners,
What can be covered by the saints,
In the darkness of the mountain of sin that slowly builds up?