Samer Amin

The Perilous Bridge






Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is like a wobbly bridge that bridges over swiftly swirling turbid currents.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is like a shaky bridge that bridges over a blazing, hellish, fiery gap.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is like a quivering bridge that bridges over a fathomless abyssal gorge of the unknown.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is like a tottering bridge that is moved back and forth by the winds of doubt and uncertainty. 





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





The creaking sound of the unlocked panels will make you feel paralyzed by horror.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





This bridge will cast into your heart an unbearable fear as soon as you lean on its rickety side.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





When the wind blows during the crossing, you will certainly find yourself under the tyrannic absolute sovereignty of  the uncompromising forces of nature.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





The sheer height above the ground, as the bridge shakes, can make you pass away from terror alone.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





As soon as the bridge\'s wooden floor begins to crumble, your panic will multiply beyond imagination.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is a bridge that is only dedicated to every brave, resilient, audacious heart.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is a bridge that is only reserved for risk-takers and adventurous pioneers.





Are you still willing to cross the bridge?





It is a bridge that bridges over the perilous chasm between the lifelong Despair and the upcoming days\' Hope.