Samer Amin

A Flood of Sadness Behind a High Dam






Don\'t let the surge of your stressing feelings inundates your lands. 






Your determination is capable of keeping them behind a restrictive towering dam.






A dam that can change them into beneficial productive energy.






Do not let the storms of your infuriated upheaval uproot the trees of your gardens.






Your resolve is capable of moving them towards your windmill.






A windmill that can turn them into defiant battleful vitality.






Do not let the arousal of your hazardous feelings demolish the braced walls of your strongholds.






Your resolve is capable of fueling your motor with them.






A motor that can convert them into a fabulous impelling vitality.






Do not let the surge of your sadness suffocates you in the midst of their turbid streams of despair.






The flood of your sorrow is capable of carrying your vessel towards the homeland of your long-awaited dreams.