
Blessings Bounteous

Tune: Llanfair

(\'Hail the day that sees Him rise\')

Psalm 103 v.19-22


The LORD has prepared His throne - Alleluia!

In the heavens, all His own - Alleluia!

His kingdom rules over all - Alleluia!

Sing praise, on Him humbly call - Alleluia!


Bless the LORD, you His angels - Alleluia!

Each you in His presence dwells - Alleluia!

You excel in strength, and you - Alleluia!

Always His commandments do - Alleluia!


You the voice of His word hear - Alleluia!

Ever know Him to you near - Alleluia!

Bless the LORD, all you His hosts - Alleluia!

Heaven, earth, to farthest coasts - Alleluia!


Bless the LORD, you ministers - Alleluia!

You His servants, He confers - Alleluia!

Grace upon you, and you do - Alleluia!

His pleasure, His mercies view - Alleluia!


Bless the LORD, all His works in - Alleluia!

Heaven, earth, sky, all therein - Alleluia!

Bless the LORD, O my soul too - Alleluia!

There place in worship for you - Alleluia!