
That Handbag.

My daughter arrived,

Arrived for Sunday dinner.

She took of her coat

And put her handbag down.

When I saw it tears came to my eyes,

It was my lovers handbag,

The one that was always with her.

It was even by her side on that day,

That day when she passed from life

Into her wonderful Spirit World.

The tears just came,

But not only tears of sadness

But tears of joy as well,

Remembering those days

When we would go for coffee,

That handbag would come as well,

It brought back so many memories.

The ones of sadness were there,

As I remember so well

Checking that handbag

When she was taken by dementia.

I had to ensure all her needs,

All her needs were catered for,

Including what was needed,

Needed in that handbag.

That handbag brought back so many memories

That the tears flowed from my eyes,

When I saw it with my daughter.