Samer Amin

Free Will






The Ultimate Essence can only exist in one single substance,





Because of the inherent interconnectedness in everything that exists.





Since the Ultimate Absolute Substance is entirely absolute in its fundamental essence,





it possesses all possible potentials and all possible qualities out of necessity.





Nothing can exist outside of the Absolute Essence that encompasses all the possible existence.





Since the Absolute Essence is an absolute thing, its attributes cannot be changed,





and its predetermined actions which stemmed from its immutable attributes cannot be altered as well.





If you truly feel powerful and have the power to control your life,





Why cannot you control your bowel movements or even the muscles of your iris when it gets exposed to bright light?





Why cannot you either control the chemical signals in your body that tell the smooth muscles of your blood vessels to narrow or widen?





It is the involuntary autonomic system.





Why cannot the sun and other stars control its movement?





Why cannot the river control the direction of its inevitable riverbed course?





It is only the Fundamental Cause of everything that is capable of creating and moving everything according to its absolute will.





Through the quantitative difference in the Absolute Essence, differentiation and creation can take place.





Through the quantitative integration in the Ultimate Substance, integration and annihilation can occur.





However, the Ultimate Essence has allowed us to exercise a kind of a tiny fraction of individual free will and a fraction of control over our lives and actions.





All our true identity and personality resides in this tiny fraction of our free will and our freedom to choose between good and evil.