Samer Amin

Colossal Symphony





Through the dynamic vibration of the Absolute Essence, physical particles are formed.





Whatever appears to be a physical matter, atoms, or molecules,





are nothing more than an elusive effect of the vibration of the Absolute Essence.





This Absolute Essence could be like an infinite ocean,





and what appears to be the physical universe, is the rolling physical waves on its surface.





These waves are created and forced to interact with each other in an organized and coordinated way,





an organized way beyond any wild imagination.





It is the dynamic unity of reality that makes all of us acts like interconnected parts of an infinite whole.





The dynamic unity of reality behaves like a colossal symphony.





Everything that seems like a separate entity,





is in fact behaving like a tiny musical note embedded in this enormous symphony.





The beauty of this symphony is derived from the interplay between its great harmony and balance.





Harmony and balance are the foundation of any beautiful thing that has ever been created.





That is why we feel so deeply affected by the inherent musical rhythm,





which is woven so deeply into the unifying fabric of the universe,





when we indulge in a deep contemplative practice of the beauty of nature around us.