Kurt Philip Behm

Each Memory (+3)

The shape of my spirit,

the weight of my soul


To measure the longing

of wishes unsold


Tomorrow the color

of yesterday’s stain


The taste of each memory

—this moment retains


(University Of Pennsylvania: February, 2021)




Pit Vipers


Hiding in their basement caves,

the ‘journalists’ deride


The light of facts and truth cast dim,

a downward fatal slide


Where once out in the open,

clear vision far and wide


Credibility buries deep

—their fear a den of lies


(The New Room: February, 2021)



Yes & No


All discovery

—but one grand paradox


(University Of Pennsylvania: May, 2020)




Lakota Wisdom


The wolf demands

what the shepherd

can’t protect


A busy hand

helps the angry heart



(Pine Ridge South Dakota: July, 2019)

‘To Mari Sandoz’