
Stones To Bread

Tune: Duke Street

(\'Fight the good fight\')

Matthew 4 v.1-4


Jesus\' time of temptation

In the wilderness, three (temptations), not one

Led of the Spirit to go there

For forty days and nights did bear


He has fasted, and was hungry

The tempter, devil, said did he

If you the Son of God true be

Command these stones be made bread, see


Jesus replied, Man shall live not

By bread alone, but this their lot

That they shall live by every word

From mouth of God, it can be heard


Help us, Lord, that our appetite

Selfish, with your strength may we fight

Not give in to ease, greedy gain

But follow you in love unfeign


Though temptations severe for you

You did not yield, you did not do

What lies if th devil did speak

But obeyed Father, humble, meek