
Beautiful River.

I walk beside My River and see them,

See my guides.

Blue tits flutter from branch to branch

Showing me the way to go

As they sparkle in the sunlight,

Full of Nature’s wonder.

There in front of me was a squirrel

Skipping along the ground towards a tree,

Up the tree it climbed with such ease,

Another wonder of Nature brought to me.

A swan flew majestically passed me,

Low over the water

His flight so wonderfully calming

As his wings moved so gently

Towards the place I was heading.

I looked around,

There were signs of new life all around,

The buds on the trees and bushes,

The snowdrops rising from the ground.

Around some trees daffodils were growing,

Their buds not yet open

But showing that new life was coming.

I was filled with joy at the rising of Nature

As I walked on this Beautiful Morning

By the side of My Beautiful River.