Samer Amin

Inside the Belly of the Whale




In the very heart of the compassionate heaven,




beneath the immense layers of dark water,




a heartrending scream is heard.




A piercing cry, imploring under the terrifying darkness,




of the distorted face of the stormy cloudy sky.




While the boundless immensity of the vast sea is growing darker and darker,




and the raging black waves are getting higher and more livid,




the terrified soul is still fighting desperately to catch its breath.




Tightly squeezed by an enormous squeezing force.




An immense compressive force, creating a hellish abode around this tormented supplicant,




and the agonized body is being flooded with unbearable fetid water.




Within the whale\'s belly, within the pitch-black darkness, 




a tormented soul is showing great remorse for leaving his mission.




Inside the belly of the whale, inside the gruesome darkness,




the tormented soul is still clinging to the heaven\'s mercy.




Inside the belly of a whale, inside the alienating darkness,




the tormented soul is still in love with you.




Inside the belly of the whale, inside the stagnant water,




the trapped soul is still singing your praise.




Inside the belly of the whale, inside the watery grave, the quitter is finally answered.




Whoever begrudges the divine mercy, granted to the transgressors, will be denied mercy in the same manner,




and whenever the salt of the earth loses its function,




it cannot find a place but to be trampled upon by the feet of the others.