Samer Amin

Natural Selection




Significant navigational skills and exceptional architectural capabilities.





Wonderful teamwork and unparalleled social organization.





Just a great navigator when you keep wandering the fields back and forth,





but your life and the lives of your children still depend on your dancing skill.





Since you can only tell your sisters how to find new food, water, resin, and nest spots,





using your innovative dancing language.





Not only that, but you can also use your solar compass to allow you to locate flowers in relation to the sun.





Even if the sun is obscured or not,





your ability to see polarized light enables you to determine the location of the sun.





You can also use your internal watch to keep track of your distance.





With this innovative indoor clock, you can also determine how much the sun will move during your flight.





When you return to the hive, you can tell your sisters exactly where the food is,





with respect to the current position of the sun,





not the location of the sun when you found that food.





As you get older, you will also learn how the sun\'s path across the sky changes with the seasons.





And at different latitudes if your hive has been moved.





Whether you are willing to tell me or not who taught you all these skills,





Obviously, \"A person who is blind cannot guide another who is blind, can he? Will they not both fall into a pit?\'\'





The blind natural selection cannot produce an insightful creature like you.





Significant navigational skills and exceptional architectural capabilities.





Wonderful teamwork and unparalleled social organization.