Chris Yellow

Tonight we dance

She raised her glass 
to a space of fragrance 
gifts of perfumers and chefs 
bees for our banquet. 

\"Tonight we dance.\" 

Her glass rose 
and so did theirs. 

\"Outside this stained window 
lose specs forced to shake 
water flushed from the sky 
as if migration made it light. 

Zeus and Thor collude 
against our dinner feast 
abhorred by its stature 
green isn\'t color that fits. 

tonight we dance.\" 

And her glass rose again 
with them cheering it. 

\"Youth flee their lessons 
burdened with pesky 
and serious concerns 
long past their tender. 

For what of their guardian, 
exhausted will she manage? 
the pilling of warnings? 
of crossroad endings? 

tonight We dance.\"
And her glass rose again, 
they\'re lost at her turn. 

\"Broken close their eyes 
to their fate and its price 
they planned for luck solely 
but got struck instead. 

Their doctors prescribed 
but held was their fund 
for useless is the mallet 
to the insurance wallet.

tonight WE dance.\" 
And her glass rose again 
but gone was their wit. 

\"Looking-in hands implore, 
forsaken howl at our spoils 
like wolfs without a den 
or a pack to take them in. 

They\'ll surrender to the rain 
and recoil to any found dent 
of this majestic construction 
to remind\'em where they stand. 

All the more reason, 
Because we can!\" 
And she gulps the wine. 

Slowly the stunned room, 
in its palpable gloom, 
was silently emptied. 
The extravagants gone. 

\"Good, only I remain, 
let it linger just the same 
in their spoiled brains. 
For we alone hold the chains.\"