


In the pink and purple and blue of the softly breaking morning

With the awakening of sparkling dew

The sun shoots friendly frolicking rays,

Kissing merrily flowers’ cheeks,

Dancing cheerfully on trees’ tops,

Pinching grass leaves teasingly.


As Day is growing into maturity

Happy carefree rays becoming irritated, frustrated, even bored

Burning playmates spitefully almost into the ground.

Without a single sound,

proudly discarding painful cries coming from the ground.


Slowly Day is dying

Bleeding to death in red and orange hue

Giving up the fight for Light and Love that is due

For lovers to pursue.


Surviving barely, Hope is bringing joyful news to Night  -

although Moon and her brilliant shining stars will be leaving her side

she will fall pregnant soon and bare a child -

Tomorrow will be born in pink and purple and blue

A new Day for lovers to pursue

Light and Love and sorrow too.