Kurt Philip Behm

Word Massacre (+2)

Ravagers of Poesy,

 spear points of denial


Mongol hordes of fancied verse,

spewing dense and vile


Free words they herd together,

to drive toward a cliff


Trampled once they hit the ground

—by verbal hippogriffs


(Buffalo Jump-Sheridan Wyoming: July, 2019)




Reflections Of Self


If a genius chooses not to embrace his gift,

will he live to endure deeper pain


If an artist doesn’t strive to create and unfold,

will she die in a chasm of chains


If a Prophet loses faith and abandons his path,

will he wander a desert unknown


If all lovers grow distant, away from the heart,

will the world lose its hope

—so alone


(The New Room: February, 2021)



Rushing Toward Mediocrity


Let’s all just be average,

no rich and no poor


Excuses our quotient,

single digits the score


Masquerading as fairness,

our heritage veiled


In lock step we march,

voices mute—nothing hailed


(The New Room: February, 2021)