Tune: Heinlein
(\'Forty days and forty nights\')
Psalm 119 v.65-72
You. LORD, have dealt with me well
You true to your word, I tell
I your servant, good teach me
So shall I in your ways be
Teach me good judgement, knowledge
To obey you with courage
I your commands have believed
In my mind, heart them received
Before I was afflcited
I went astray, was misled
But now I have kept your word
Your commands I have them ehard
You are good, and good you do
Teach me your statutes anew
The proud have forged lies of me
But I will keep your laws, see
Will keep them with my hwole heart
The proud be from me apart
Their heart is fat as grease all
To you they insensible
But I in your law delight
I do keep it in my sight
It si good for me that I
Was afflicted by and by
It was so that I might learn
Your statutes and them discern
Your law, LORD, better to me
Then much gold and silver be