
Reality in the USA!

When the Drumpf/Unholy Pence administration was in power it was well known the destruction both of them caused in their private, public, political & personal dealings. Who they were, who they are to this day. With the Biden/Harris administration we have a worse government! Why? Because with Biden/Harris we was promised Hope by the change they would bring to our government, we were given specific promises to u.s. The People and to the whole world. And like a used car salesman’s shtick of promise all the right things to then deliver absolutely all the corruption, And we believed it, well at least most did, I did not as I did not vote for Biden/Harris and just like with Drumpf/Unholy Pence I encouraged others to Not vote for their ticket. We have the write in option in my State so I wrote in my choice which was Bernie Sanders. As I choose a politician on 2 things, 1 how does their platform line up with what I want, 2 how does their record line up with the platform? Anyway.

Well folks grab your butts and hold onto your nuts, because we are in for more evil than you can handle. And the corporate media will Not be reporting like they did on Drumpf/Unholy Pence, Hell they won’t be reporting at all. You may say Don What The Hell are you talking about? Isn’t Biden/Harris doing “good” things? Let me explain with 1 story that is going unreported as these corporate politicians play this game of political theatre for all to see and the corporate media allows them to get away with it all by only reporting the \"good\" Biden/Harris do.

Biden just opened up the same Children Concentration Camp that Drumpf had originally opened that upon u.s. The People finding out about it, created an outcry heard around the Country, that forced it to be shut down within a month’s time. Forget the argument of how well the Children are being treated in a certain facility, Forget the debate of how to do this humanely.

When you can just allow for the Children to be united with Family here in the USA without any repercussions to any 1 no matter the status of Citizenship. Oh and for those who don’t know this part let me explain further.

It has been and still is our governments policy to create dictatorships in these Central American Countries every time they try to establish a Social Democracy type government in their own Country. To keep the oligarchs in power everywhere. In other words we are the 1’s backing these evil governments, propping them up, training them how to do evil and giving them weapons to do the evil. WTF!

Point Being It Is All On US! Period. Yes that includes me as I am part of this Country as much as those in power do the things I abhor! So it is my duty to do my part in standing up to this EVIL! Period. How about You? For those who want to hide behind anything especially religion to come up with an argument for keeping Children locked up in Cages, let me say this Fuck Religion, Where is your Humanity?

I say Where is the Love? I say Where is the reporting? I say Where is the outcry? I say Where is the other politicians in all this?