
Poem, Do You live by the Truth?

You live by the Sword, (Lies).

You die by the Sword, (Lies).

No not my words as it is the Biblical Narrative.

Yeshua is coming that is part & parcel of the declarative.

In my Poem so it is imperative.

To either go all in on being untrue in a prerogative.

Or be a seeker of Truth in Love, Love in Truth.

Yes, I am calling out you & me in sooth.


Yeshua is coming on a Steed so fiery & bright.

Speaking with a Sword out of His mouth in all His might.

Destroying the lie & those who defend it to their grave.

As if, they love it like its slave.

Yes, speech spoken within Truth is as much a weapon.

As lies from you or me in all its venom.

Therefore, my declaration is this.

Choose wisely in what you say, as lies leads us all to the abyss.


Be a Lover in what you say and or do.

To each other, this much is true.

When you Love life, it must be spared.

Of the corruption that comes from lying when it is shared.


Most all other things are on life’s plate.

For any of us to debate.

In what is or is not meant to set us straight.

This is only a warning of what lies in wait.

For us all in slipping into some of this life’s trait(s).

Of those, whom go all in on the lie taking it thru death’s door, death’s gate.

Of what is the liar’s full responsibility, full weight.

Of what is the liar’s full on judgement, full on fate.