
Poem, Political Debate in the USA!

This is what is true.

In the land of the red, white & blue.

Moreover, I am here to give you all a shew.

For those of you who don’t have a clue.


The Conservative will come out with his explanation.

About how slavery is a good thing for all in an affirmation.

Which is nothing less than dehumanization.

Within an argument of exploitation.

By capitalization.

Of how slaves are all “good” with their rights in castration.

Why these people must like their situation.

This is the allegation.

Or else they would do something different to change their location.

Moreover, consumer’s need to keep buying to prop up our Nation.


The Liberal will come along to vigorously plea in exclamation!

That the problem is regulation.

Not exploitation.

Just add some more laws of preservation.

Laws of conservation.

For those who are slaves of our nation.

That will allow for unending continuation.

Of the people’s demoralization.

To the laws of consumption in an act of consummation.

For the propping up of our nation.


Finally, the Truth Seeker (Abolitionist) will stand to make the Case.

That it is Not meant for Human Beings to be owned by another in this place.

That the very thought of slavery is quite base.

Of judging someone so harshly on just their skin color and or race.


Power that is will now abruptly interrupt to say.

That is all we have time for folks as of today.

Before anything further can be exposed in any other way.

Keeping Truth held at bay.

Nothing more to see, hear or do now be on your way.

Keeping all in the dark & afraid of one another most every day.

In fact sow division between us, sow as to betray.

To keep the status quo & to prop up our nation.