Thomas J. Dooley




Looking to the sky of a new day in all its light

Surviving the challenges of the night into a new dawn, we will find

Peace in society, love in community, freedom in the mind


Wing of courage, with John we will fly.

To challenge what is truly right, nonviolence is the true fight.


Travel up the mountain with peace on our are minds.

To see the valley on the other side to all the beauty some wish to hide.

Freedom, justice, and diversity that strive to have in life


Wings of courage, with Greta, as she sails over the oceans and seas.

To challenge those who can\'t see the environmental realities.


Overcoming negative thoughts always offended by humorous talk

Unable to see inside themselves, what matters to them is only their feelings.

Laughter is what we need, never taking ourselves too seriously.


Wings of courage, with Mr. Charles Edward Cheese challenging his own worth

Standing with a mic in his hand, educating with laughter.


Wings of courage we all must have every woman and man

Overall, of society negatives that some don\'t see, but many feel.

Let us get over this hill.


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2021