Pulses set to flashing siren beats
festering resentments fuelling divisive fears
parent’s wincing at its whispered mention
praying: their offspring’s heed every caution
uniform blues stealthily cruising
decrepit dreams of equality’s remnant mappings
election’s, pledged targeted patrolling
sprouting profiling’s: modern-day trappings.
Morning’s decimation of consequence, protect & serve
badges; masking murderers misfiring malevolence.
Victim’s kin suffocate, beneath dawn’s ill-fated sunbeams
chalk outlines of skin-color & age profiles: as baiting headlines
streets overflowing with volcanic emotions
reactionary outcries quietened by hollow placations
producing fruitless trials at - a - snail’s, pace
or anger-quashing sackings: as surface level solutions.
Lawrence and Maya, restless
cageless birds – motionless, despairing
at their grave marked: nests…
© L. B. Mek
December 2017