
Greetings from Schwenksville, Pennsylvania today March 1st, 2021

I dashed (off the enclosed poem) yay

while safely secured within

white horse open sleigh

after reading following

pray lemme know if ye uttered oy vey.


Profound insights divulged
during our most recent family zoom

Approximately seven hundred

and fifty four months since exiting womb,

yours truly (sole son

of late Boyce Brandon -

yes she named him

after paternal grandmother

Sadie, her mom\'s Yiddish name

Basia Brana or Brandla)

me currently ensconced within unit B44


analogous to catacomb

amid Highland Manor Apartments

I dwell - our livingsocial hole in the wall

among grateful dead residents

facility likened to metaphorical tomb

each stone individually moved one at a time

courtesy hearty and hale archeologists

resident to *Qom

(a city in northwestern Iran -

place of pilgrimage for Shiite Muslims)


to imbibe on spiritual succor

and become comfortably numb

acquiring appropriate trailing appellation,

yes a USDA, FDA, B Corp... and

Pink Floyd approved nom de plume,

which feeble poetic brainstorm

begat within mine

sixty plus shades of gray matter,

which exhaustive mental effort

induced silent but deadly ka-boom


one Matthew Scott Harris

rent asunder vaporized to smithereens,

hence each his personal possessions

cherished as prized heirloom

no trace left behind

regarding pulverized lovely bones,

nevertheless burnt offerings

specialists did painstakingly exhume

where Ashkenazi temple will bloom.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*My humblest apology for lame rhyme

with previous word similar to crypt

yours truly deserted and he gypped

thee while crawling

across Sahara during nighttime

dehydration subsequently

found me tight lipped

I called Uber, but could not get a lyft.