Samer Amin

Lion\'s Den




Motivated by the idea of finding a shortcut, a prominent scientist got lost in the wilderness.




When his cellphone battery ran out, and the untested night of the wilderness was about to fall,




his problem solving skills indicated readiness for the challenge.




His flawed side of unmitigated curiosity and inquisitive nature steered him to set off in the wilderness without his vehicle.




When the night fell and the weather became unbearably cold,




his first logical priority was to find a suitable shelter until the approaching dawn.




A small cave on a rugged hill seemed more convenient than the other illogical shelters that night.




He instantly began to examine that narrow cave in a very systematic and analytical manner,




in order to verify its suitability and its presumed safety.




His  initial systematic examination revealed many samples of mammalian skeletons and many fleshy animal parts that might belong to the same species.





Besides noticing a lot of newly formed blood stains on the walls of that cave,




which made his scientific hunch a little uncomfortable.




He knew very well that this region had never observed any carnivorous species according to the available scientific literature.




However, he equally knew the importance of scientific observations and how he should not neglect these numerous suspicious indications around him in this sinister cave.




Therefore, he began to search more thoroughly in the cave and outside of this ominous place,




in the hope of gathering any indirect evidence that could dispel or confirm his growing suspicions.




In fact, a lot of large newly formed excrement was found nearby and inside the cave,




along with lots of dark brown wisps of hair almost everywhere.




But nevertheless, as a sincere meticulous scientist, he refused to jump to any definitive conclusion so quickly,




especially according to the majority of the scientific literature and the inhabitants of this region who did not observe any carnivorous mammals before.




Anyway, he was utterly exhausted because he had spent so much time trying to find his way out of this intricate wilderness.




He turned off the light, entered his sleeping bag and said to himself that he should not be overly anxious,





because the observed evidences were not so conclusive and further researches were needed.