
Still Frames

I write the last line

to finish the poem

which now, right this second

has already become

part of my past


the present lasts less

than the blink of an eye

I am already older now

then I was when I

finished writing


the words still linger

in my consciousness

but my mind is already

busy with other things

thinking of the future


I edit what I have written

the present interfering with

and changing the past

but only I will remember

what has been changed


our present is like a

still frame on a movie film

separate but connected to

the frames ahead, the future

the frames behind, the past


but in our life film all

the frames ahead are blank

to be filled only

by our present action

before becoming our past


it is up to us to

use the present

to fill the future frames

with the kind of images

we want to be remembered by