
Productive People

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on in majesty\')

Hosea 10 v.12 {Old Testament prophet}


Sow to yourselves in righteousness

So will the LORD look on you, bless

Reap in mercy, loving-kindness

Return to Him, your sins confess


Break up your fallow ground, it left

Untilled and untended, bereft

It is time to seek the LORD, He

Shall hear your prayers made faithfully


Time to seek Him, until He sure

Rains righteousness on you once more

Soil of your heart shall be prepared

You in refreshings shall have shared


Thus you productive be again

Not in apathy, the time when

You were dull, fruitless, land laid bare

You turned away from God when there


But now fruit unto His glory

And crops be shown in your life, see

Dependent on the LORD who gives

The rain, so watered, each one lives