

Call them the windows upon our countenance,

that unlocks the beauty; or truth; to our souls,

or the two tools that work; to identify that guy,

who you saw taking what clearly was not his,

we the constant weepers, have our peepers,

either opened wide, or stubbornly fixed shut,

to spectate the lie, or to hide what is plain.


Perhaps; we curtain twitch, to inspect those

neighbours with an anxious tone, to see what

all the banging was about last night, or we

surreptitiously play the role of voyeur, in order

to see what that kind Catholic church-goer wears on

their “dress down Fridays” where they partake

in their habit, of attending to their attire on the path

for a little too long, as if they know someone

is lurking in the shadows with their eyes peeled,

and in their coquettish response they smile.


But most likely, in these times, our peepers,

become ever so tired, as for the laborious

slaving over screens, leaves the title of sleepers,

out of the question, “emergency, emergency”, our

computers may blare, as we have got attend to

the zoom call, or just to look at something else, as

our eyes become tired of the natural picture, as

the storms continue with their taunts, thus redden

those eyes, by watching another episode, series even,

of your favourite show on Netflix, but my friend

when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror,

your peepers reveal to you; the true mess that you are.


“We ache so very much” our peepers will sorely scream,

“Can’t you see the pain of us, for we are creating a stream,

That burns us so, so just relax, and stop with this horror,

We’re stinking, you’re stinking, so go and take a shower,

We implore you, if there’s more to do, please do it tomorrow,

As we can’t withstand anymore of today’s unfair sorrow!”


So, take care of those eyes, if you wish to see a brighter

future, full of betterment, improvement, a place where

we can be proud to call home, so be caring to your vision,

and with strong hearts and peepers, we can say, that we

made it happen, that our dream, really did come true.