Neutral In No Man\'s Land

We’re friends, even so, I dig in deep, call him out harshly and sharp, rebukes showered

Tell him I despise how so greatly he was a coward

To not confront my anger and wrath, be damned how high it towered

You’re friends with us both, if you hadn’t done nothing for her, did you never think you’d be doing something for me?

Help avoid turning my puddle of shame and hate into this consuming sea?

No regard to that, how could’ve you been so content in your complicit state with my evil against she?

You did nothing as I abused, harassed, otherwise bullied her for, what was it, six weeks or so?

Just watched as I dragged her and I ever more low

Just watched every single time I threw a blow

You should’ve beaten me until I was puking blood and shoved me out of your car into a ditch

So tell me why you didn’t even strike me once, weakling bitch

You definitely had no right to not try to just talk to me and sort out my glitch

But it hurts more living with what I did to her than anything you could’ve done to me, deserved even before my anger emerged, so one part of me would like to believe it’s for the best

But the single knife in my heart is not worth the countless I drove into her back and chest

So I’ll always wonder how you justified your inaction each and every time, how it did not drive you insane and it’ll be a mystery to me how you find any rest