
Fruitful Followers

Tune: Mannheim

(\'Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us\')


In your mercy, Lord, do forgive

Strengthen us to Christ-like live

Growing more into His image

By your grace give us courage

Leaving self, help us your cross take

Up daily, e\'en for your sake


You do know our human failings

In penitence we may bring

Them to you, then inspire, we pray

Us to bring forth fruit today

The fruit of your Spirit shown, so

Others may you see and know


Love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness

From your Spirit, they will bless

And too goodness and gentleness

Humble lowliness, meekness

Faithfulness and self-control, see

Temperance and honesty


Committing all to you in prayer

And thanksgiving with you share

Help us, Lord, not your peace to lose

But your way always to choose

Thus settled in heart and mind we

Salt and light to the world be