Loner poet

Cant go on

I thought  it was meant to be

Two hearts dancing to the tune of love

The bliss was sweet and your words like honey

Drawing me in and soothing my lonely soul

The song of the harp played its melody

The sun and moon had become entangled as one

But every ride must reach its end , every bus its stop

If only you had been gentle and not torn me your grasp

My safe place up in flames and my heart broken

Where there once burned a fire there now is naught but ashy shadows

Every night is another restless journey alone i make

Every step I take weighed down by the burden of pain

My determination wavers as my drive gets weaker

Every person move on and travels through life

But there are those who prefer the old and not the new

Forgive me my fragile soul for I can not stop your hurting

As much as I try as much as I wish my will is not strong