Poetic Dan



We all know of times where we would like to do something that would be fun and fulfilling,  but most likely understood its not Socially acceptable or a lesson from life that you get back what you put out into the world.

Many know what we want and need are two different things, because in the end if we give in too the want it cancelled out the need.
All life needs to find peace, balance, love and harmony but yet the temptations can make this tricky to achieve.

Be it the TV,  junk food, Internet, later nights, sleepy in and much much more. All need a bit of structure and discipline to be able to function and contribute in the world around us.

Now I\'ll cut to the chase and say, although our dogs may look like they are enjoy what the want and we think we\'re giving them what they need. From another perspective it\'s just a trigger waiting to go off, if we don\'t understand not only the body language enough but let them allowed practiced behaviour that we instinctively know probably is not the most constructively harmonious way of life.

Inspired by helping two different owners separate there dog when \"play fighting\" at a local park turned into one getting is bottom jaw stuck around the collar...luckily all was good but very dangerous in my opinion.