Tune: Kingsfold
(\'I heard the voice of Jesus say\')
John 12 v.20-24 and v.32-33
Some Greeks they did make their journey
To Passover feast, see
At Jerusalem it be where
They in worship would share
With Jews at holy festival
They did to Philip call
Saying, Sir, we would see Jesus
Would you show Him to us?
Philip and Andrew told Jesus
Then Jesus replied thus
The hour is come, that the Son
Of man, He be the one
Time that He should be glorified
His destiny not hide
To suffer, die, and rise again
The saviour for all men* (*mankind)
Truly, truly, He did then say
I speak these words today
That except a corn of wheat fall
Into the ground for all
And die, it abides alone, stays
Unproductive its days
But if it die, it brings forth much
Fruit, so it happens such
And I, if I lifted up be
Lifted on a cross, see
I shall draw all men unto me
I lay down my life free
So saying this did signify
The way that He should die
Be crucified, but rise again
Fulfils destiny then