
Resurrection Reality

Tune: Day of Rest

(\'O day of rest and gladness\')

1 Thessalonians 4 v.13-18


We need not be ignorant

Of those who, penitent

Sleep in Christ now, they have died

But life them not denied

We need not sorrow as they who

Have no hope, but we do

Rejoice, Christ is arisen

We shall share in this then


For if we believe He died

Rose again, none beside

Him as our Saviour, e\'en so

This hope we sure can know

That they who in Jesus sleep

God will bring them, will keep

Them with Him, they safe e\'er be

Throughout eternity


For the word of the Lord be

That we alive here, see

Who remain till His return

We shall from Him so learn

That we shall not them precede

That sleep, and we shall heed

The Lord Himself descending

He shall His triumph bring


Descends from ehaven wih shout

Archangel\'s voce sounds out

Trumpet of God loud is heard

Dead in Christ, at His word

Shall rise first, and then we shall

Who live, remain, do well

For we shall be caught up to

The clouds with them, \'tis true


We shall meet the Lord then there

In the air, with Him share

And shall be with Him ever

Forsaken be never

With Him and loved ones departed

Christ e\'er our living Head

Comfort, solace, strengthening

To each these words do bring