
Refrain of shame.

Why the disdain? 

Tell me what it contains?

Or maybe a degree of refrain?

From your seek to maim?

Or for me to be in your frame...

Of the terrain you wreak havoc on while you attempt to tame...

Me and ours to conform to the void of your harrowing brain...

That I never chose to enter, until your lies became truth and still remain...

Only for you now...as we have traveled to a place of peace and dry winds...with little of the sadness you rein...

Down on all it falls, like droplets of rain...

That I forgive as does she, no disdain, and leave you and are not ashamed...

Of you, for you never knew only but shame, that you never overcame...

Born into not love, only flame...

That scorched your heart and died long again, only to be shown again to us in your sad refrain.