Believe in something -
The dust that makes us up scatters,
Black silt and shells bleached like bones,
Every secret that could wreck us
Trampling over the tightness in our chests.
It\'s all a rush -
Every little part of this
That scrapes against our hearts
Like that moment between hymns
When the air is incense and bowed heads -
The silence of a church.
But the truth lives in two worlds -
Body and spirit lashed down by sheer will
And your roots buried in my heart like a tree -
Speaking through skin
And the press of fingertips,
The night easing the burn of our words,
And we, held together at our foundations -
Arch and drag -
Spine and all tethered to light like rockets.
No words - and you\'re air -
So temporary it hurts.
Shooting stars spread across your landscape,
And our shadows write history across the sky.