
Ecce Ancilla Domini

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

Luke 1 v.26-38 parts

For The Annunication Day {Announcement}: 25 March


\'Ecce Ancilla Domini\', it be

\'Behold the handmaid of the Lord\' I be

Said Mary, when the angel Gabriel

Came to her, and the announcement did tell


Would tell that she not fear, but has favour

With God, and would bear for us our Saviour

His name would be JESUS, he shall be great

Son of the Highest, of royal estate


The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne

Of His earthly ancestor, David, known

And He shall reign for ever and ever

His kingdom endless and ceases never


And here displayed in purity of white

Mary, a virgin, trembles at the sight

A small dove seen, the Holy Spirit, He

By His power the child\'s Father would be


Here feet of flames of angel painted, see

And white flower offered to Mary, see

A tapestry in foreground, Rossetti*

A scene revealed, contemplativity


So her response, Behold, I the handmaid

Of the Lord, let the angel\'s words be made

Steadfast, and so be it e\'en as you say

I Him shall humbly trust, serve, and obey


* Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828 - 1882)

Picture painted 1850. His sister Christina, author of

\'In the bleak midwinter\', was the inspiration

 for the figure of Mary.