
Twice About The Moon

on tulip of ice; twice about the moon.

cousin of Queen; aid to the Duchess of the Rose;

in blackened box where swells the pippin cox;

twice about the moon

where sails the plague of uninformed ganglion cyst;


once between the knees

where cranks the engine; as thanks the leather of the eye;

clots the blood of cream. as sprouts from the hip.

once between the knees.

twice about the moon;


Autumn star in season of upheaving verb

as twice about the moon

as twice about the tissue of the heart.

hang once for the honour of untimely death

twice for the silver of spoon;


with gift of uplifting shower of petulant quill

as befits the torment of Winters shortest weep;

Summer of sleep. Summer of hummus on jilted sky.

hang once for the honour of the ambling rose

as once about the spills and spittle of lace

so once about the sum

so twice about the moon;