
Arm Chair


An arm chair, is a calm chair,

pretend you’re in the sun, then

it’s a palm chair, but make sure,

you put on some balm there, else

you will be sitting in a harm chair,

or perhaps in your arm chair,

fantasise that you’re god there, thus

be perched upon a psalm chair,

or maybe your thoughts aren’t so calm

there, so you make your escape,

thus, you sit in an embalm chair,

but, whoa there, in your arm chair,

make sure to yourself that you’re fair;

there, don’t break things that you

can’t repair, so ensure; to make where

you sit, a qualm chair, so take in a deep

breath of air, in a messed up world

that we all share, pick your suspicions,

when and wherever you care, but

remember my friend please do take care,

and try to relax; in your arm chair.