
Maundy Missive

Tune: Noel Nouvelet

(\'Now the green blade riseth\')

John 13 v.1-17 parts


Will we travel, journey, with Christ, in His way?

Time of His Passion approaches, soon the day

But for now alight, share His Last Supper

Meeting in Communion, come, not defer


Before feast of Passover, Jesus did know

His hour was come, and still His love did show

To disciples, He would then wash their feet

As they gathered together, and share in meat* (*food)


Poured water in basin, girded He with towel

Peter said, No, no, my feet you never shall

Wash, but Jesus said, if I wash you not

You shall then have with me no part and no lot


When He had disciples feet washed, He sat down

Showing them and example,  that they do that

As he has done to them, lowly, humble

Wash one another\'s feet, give service to all


He our Lord and Master, so He does us serve

Grant us grace to continue, not from Him swerve

Fellowship meal, then death and suffering

On to resurrection, new life He does bring