
Too Soon

Bruised sapphire sunrise arrived

too soon, too soon.

Wild, witch hazel wandering eyes

and a bittersweet ache

from holding on too long.


Midnight blue hours pass 

under disarrayed stars without paths.

Blinding, burning, brightness,

skin scorched too soon.


Helpless, unheeding, unfair 

that we were forced awake 

too soon to trouble about dying dreams 

and left with tattered tears and new 

scars and fears.


That sun-baked,  fresh-burnt hell 

after cool, soft nights you were mine.

Sneaking, shielding, unyielding gaze,

forced apart all too soon.


Wilted, weeping, whispers unsaid.

Scarlet sun in sore and seared eyes.

Darkness behind and only horror ahead

You left too soon, too soon.